Apple iOS

How to download from Apple App Store:

1. On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, open the App Store app.
2. Tap the Search icon in bottom right corner.
3. Type Circa Solar and tap Search.
4. Tap £5 / Tap Purchase.
5. Type Password / Tap Sign In.
6. Confirm purchase and Download.

How to download using a promo code:

1. On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, open the App Store app.
2. Tap the My Account button or your photo in the upper-right corner.
3. Tap Redeem Gift Card or Code then sign in with your Apple ID Password.
4. Tap You can also enter your code manually.
5. Enter the above code as written. Tap Redeem.

Google Android

How to download from Google Play Store:

1. On your Android device open the Play Store app.
2. Tap the Search icon in bottom right corner.
3. Type Circa Solar and tap Search.
4. Tap £5 / Tap Purchase.
5. Type Password / Tap Sign In.
6. Confirm purchase and Download.

How to download using a promo code:

1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
2. Open the menu by tapping the three lines in the upper left-hand corner.
3. Scroll down and select Redeem.
4. Enter the above code as it is written.
5. Tap Redeem and then Confirm that you want to redeem the code.

Google Wear OS

How to download from Google Play Store:

1. Login to Google Play Store website with the same account associated with Wear OS device
2. Search for Circa Solar.
3. Click Circa Solar under Apps category for search results.
4. Click Install.
5. Select your Wear OS device from Choose a device drop down.
6. Click Continue.
7. Open the Play Store App within your Wear OS device.
8. Open My Apps and Accept Circa Solar install.

How to download using a promo code:

1. Login to Google Play Store website with the same account associated with Wear OS device
2. Select Redeem in left hand column.
3. Enter the above code. Tap Redeem & Confirm
4. Open the Play Store App within your Wear OS device.
5. Open My Apps and Accept Circa Solar install.

Circa Solar was conceived and created by Ted Hunt.